Curious About Waqf? Discover its lasting impact and support for communities worldwide

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Partnering with Professional Advisors

Partner with Awqaf Australia to help clients create lasting legacies through Waqf.


Shan Rana

Jan 31, 20242 min read
Partnering with Professional Advisors

At Awqaf Australia we recognise the expertise that professional advisors bring to the lives of those that wish to make a difference and leave a legacy. To this end, if you’re a lawyer, accountant or financial advisor we’d like to add another string to your bow.

Our team is able to assist your clients in:

  • Establishing family foundations
  • Integrating impactful giving into their estate planning
  • Vetting causes that align with their values

In providing your clients with the ability to better the world with their wealth, you’ll give them peace of mind and meaning to their lives. A waqf means that their legacy will extend generations beyond their initial donation.

  • Specifically, to assist you in providing these services to your clients we can provide:
    Workshops in which you can understand how a waqf works and integrates with your field of expertise
  • Advisory packs which you can provide your clients to guide them through the process
  • Information sessions for your clients to meet other donors and learn about the impact of the waqf they will leave
  • Legal assistance in establishing the waqf deeds and donor platforms

As an added benefit to our professional and institutional partners, your participation in our select network gives you access to a community of like minded, high achieving advisors. Join us at our foundation events to build your own relationships and see how deep our community extends.


Other Resources

Claim a Tax Deduction for Your Waqf Contributions

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Claim a Tax Deduction for Your Waqf Contributions
Partnering with Professional Advisors

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Partnering with Professional Advisors
Waqf in The Modern Context

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Waqf in The Modern Context
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Continue the Legacy of Giving

Create a legacy of giving that lasts for generations.

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