Curious About Waqf? Discover its lasting impact and support for communities worldwide

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Contact Us

Want to set up a waqf? We're here to assist with your Waqf and giving journey.

Call Us

1300 297 232
10am - 3pm, Monday to Friday, or by appointment.



132A Haldon Street, Lakemba, NSW, 2195, Sydney, Australia

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Got Questions? We Have Answers

A waqf offers significant advantages over direct donations by enabling sustainable, long-term charitable impact. You can develop a strategic approach to giving, ensuring funds are distributed thoughtfully to meet organisational needs and maximise social benefit.

Most importantly, a waqf creates lasting impact through endowment - your initial contribution can grow through investment, supporting causes in perpetuity using the generated income. This sustainable model means your charitable intent continues to benefit future generations, creating an enduring legacy of giving.

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Continue the Legacy of Giving

Create a legacy of giving that lasts for generations.

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