Curious About Waqf? Discover its lasting impact and support for communities worldwide

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Parents’ Waqf, Lakemba

Case Study: 132-136 Haldon St Lakemba

Parents’ Waqf, Lakemba


In 2013, a Sydney based family led the generous donation of the block at 132-136 Haldon Street, Lakemba, as a Waqf. This Waqf was established in honor of the donors' parents and was named The Parents’ Waqf.

In 2016, the development of the block was completed, resulting in a purpose-built, multifunctional space with designated areas for charitable services, religious activities, community use, and other purposes.

Charitable Objective

The donors envisioned creating a space that would address the needs of the community, providing a lasting and meaningful impact. By establishing this space, they also aimed to engage in sadaqah-jariyah, a form of ongoing charity, on behalf of their parents. This selfless act ensures that their parents would continue to receive spiritual rewards indefinitely, even after their passing, as the benefits of the charitable services and community support provided through the space would be perpetual. The donors' intention was to create a legacy that would not only serve the immediate needs of the community but also generate continuous blessings for their parents for generations to come.

Use of Premises

The Waqf building currently serves several vital purposes, contributing to the community and the work of Awqaf Australia. It houses the principal office and headquarters of Awqaf Australia and its subsidiary entities, facilitating the administration of their charitable activities. Additionally, the building supports a wide range of community events and initiatives.These diverse functions highlight the premises' significance as a hub for charitable activities, community engagement, religious practice, and education.

Parents’ Waqf, Lakemba
Parents’ Waqf, Lakemba
Parents’ Waqf, Lakemba
Parents’ Waqf, Lakemba